Active Consciousness Newsletter - December 2020


The Power of Uncertainty

If there’s one thing that COVID-times have brought us, it’s uncertainty. We wake up each morning wondering what unexpected changes are coming our way. Will there be work, will there be school, will there be money? Will we or our loved ones become sick or well? What governmental regulations will be imposed or lifted? Will there be flour or toilet paper at the grocery store? Will a COVID vaccine save us or harm us? Will we ever be allowed to travel and associate freely with others again?

Unfortunately, uncertainty is something we humans tend to dislike. We work very hard to cultivate the sense of safety that certainty can bring. But in our never-ending quest for more certainty, are we robbing ourselves of the very juiciness of life? At what price safety? At what price security? Those too, are questions we ponder each day in the times of COVID.

But what if uncertainty actually affords us even greater potential power?



A New Year Is Coming


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Don't forget to visit Amy's book websites:

Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy --

Active Consciousness: Awakening the Power Within --

and her blogs:
